Painting by Joan Mitchell
We have been having a great time in London. Not actually planning very much, but finding ourselves seemingly in the right places at the right times. We spent last evening at Phantom of the Opera, which none of us had seen, and we really enjoyed it. We spent time at the Tower of London (totally fascinating) and also the Tate Modern (we had a great lunch with my aunt who was also visiting London this week) and we ran into a friend from Brattleboro who has been spending the last few months in Paris. Makes it all seem like such a small world. Anyway, we ate a delicious meal at the Rosso Pomodoro in Nottinghill this evening, which was recommended to us by a man riding his bike. All is well in London though we are looking forward to our time in the country.

Print by Picasso, etching and aquatint with lots of scraping.


This is completely amazing. We were at the Tate and we came across this piece about Putney VERMONT. An artist named Douglas Huebler came to Windham College in 1968 and did this project where he collected earth from 5 points radiating out from the center of Windham college (see posted map). Anyway, as I looked at the map, I am almost sure that the red house is on it!

This map is on its side. The CT river should be running along the bottom of the map. Rout 5 is the road running between point B and D.

A picture from the Tower of London compound.