Today I came home from a glorious day gardening and saw these little gem's flowering in my garden (they were not blooming this morning!) I did not even recall planting them, but now I remember Amah giving me the bulbs last summer. I remember plunking them in and thinking that they might not take, but they did! What a joy to find them and to think of Amah, who passed away last November and is dearly missed by all who knew her.

A tangle of a Oxalis (yeah!) and Heuchera in my garden.
Correction: The Oxalis is actually Trifolium repens 'Autopureum.' Although in the above photograph it looks like there are only three leaves, each stem does in fact have four.

The Sempervivum trough at the Berg's. It looks good all year round, especially now when we are hungry for any sign of life!
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