An impressive flower, this Chinese Floxglove, and I was lucky enough to see this great beauty in flower in the Longwood Conservatory. I am told that this plant is an ever hopeful candidate for the newly re-designed Stilts Garden beds at Hidcote!
Prostanthera ovilifolia 'Variegata'
Mint bush, a special favorite because while at Hidcote I would brush past this plant in the Plant House and would always welcome its unusual smell.
Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata'
Seems like I am on a variegata theme here? This was also a Hidcote Plant House hit (though not the variegated one...) While I was there this lovely tree was in full flower and its pale lemony colored flowers filled the entire house with its fragrance.
Loropetalum chinense var rubrum 'Chang Nian Hong' (Ever Red TM)
I have a particular fondness for Loropetulum as it was an unusual specimen plant featured in a garden I worked closely with while living and working in Washington State. I worked for a woman named Laura Chandler and helped her design and build her dream gardens. She was an accomplished plants woman and I learned so many new plants during those two years working in her garden.
An incredible terraced lawn! Recently designed by the landscape architect Kim Wilkie.
Chinese Foxglove huzzah!