This is what I did today! I was at Gordon and Mary Hayward's garden clearing up the winter debris, but only in little islands where there was no snow. It felt completely normal to rake and cut back on the little island, but then it felt completely insane when we were trudging across ice slicks and snow banks! We were definitely enjoying ourselves and having a wonderful time back in the garden- yeah for spring!
Below are pictures that a took a few days before leaving Hidcote.
This is a view of the courtyard at the entrance gate to the garden. The afternoon light was so summery that day.
This is a view from the Old Garden looking back up at the Manor. The large bay window was the common room and I would sit in that window every morning for breakfast and lunch and look out on the garden. I do miss those early mornings watching the light come up over the garden.
This is a view of the Acid Border. Many of the small blooming plants that I have documented this early spring were found planted here.
An amazing flower I watched slowly emerge and come into bloom this spring (also on Acid Border). It is Bergenia like, but the leaves are not evergreen.
Rhododendron fragesii
This is the same Rhododendron that I have photographed numerous times previously, now you can see it in full bloom!
Another one of the great Anemones! This one is Anemone ranunculoides (meaning like ranuculous, i.e. common buttercup) and is scattered throughout the Old Garden.
This Lathyrus vernus (a perennial pea!) is found throughout the garden. I loved watching it emerge with its little tendrils unfurling. It formed deep, luminous buds and then tentatively it started to flower. I watched it for a week or more not knowing what it was or what was going to happen. What a wonderful way to get to know a plant!