I have seen great plants and gardens these past few days, starting with Sibylle Kreutzberger's garden. She and her friend Pamela Schwerdt were hired by Vita Sackville-West to be the head gardeners at Sissinghurst in 1959 and were there for 31 years. Sibylle invited me to dinner and a garden tour and it was truly amazing. She has an amazing collection of plants and a beautiful garden. I really felt like I was in the presence of greatness.
Above: View of the garden from her house.
Below: View of the arbor which supports roses and clematis. She has over 25 clematis vines in her garden.

In the center is the lovely bud of Fritillaria melagris (checkerboard fritillaria), surrounded by the pink Corydalis 'Beth Evans", and the white with blue striped petals of Puschkinia scilliodes.
Wow Helen..every post, picture, and descriptions of your on going adventure are magical...I feel blessed every time I get to see and read about what paths you have walked down.