Before I go on with the many other glorious pictures of Hidcote in the last week of March, I thought I would interject with a few images of what I came home to. It is a bit grim, but any true New England gardener will see that there is some hope- first of all, notice lack of total snow cover! This is the same Rhododendron that I photographed back in February before I left for England. At that time all you could see were three buds sticking out of the snow bank.

The first snow drops! Long over and done with in England, but just the beginning here. It is funny to re-live spring all over again...
I am now going out into the garden to cut back all that 'winter interest' that was completely smashed under the weight of the snow. It can only get better from here on out, right?
New shoots! Spring part two underway already..